Empowering the Next Generation

On the Move

On the move is a European Solidarity Corps Project co-funded by the European union. Over the past year, 8 young people were given the opportunity to carry out volunteering in Gozo , Malta.
main objectives:
- to learn to appreciate different lifestyles and cultures;
- to learn to appreciate more the importance of provide different types of assistance to the community;
- to learn new experiences such as abseiling, diving and first aid and rescue skills;
- to develop sound communication skills especially with the wider public;
- to learn to work in a team with other volunteers;
- to learn to become more active within the community;
- to serve as a confidence building and opportunity to take on own initiatives;
- To improve administration, time management and organization skills.
The project left a positive impact on the organization, volunteers and project partners. We are looking forward to do similar projects in the future.
Links to learn more about the European Solidarity Corps